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Data drift/ Data shift
Drift or shift in data refers to a gradual change in sensor’s response characteristics over time. The shift can be positive or negative, which may lead to wrong conclusions. Drifts may occur due to a variety of reasons. One of the ways to reduce the drift is to calibrate the sensor frequently so that the instrument only drifts a small amount between each recalibration. A change in the response or concentration reported by a sensor when challenged by the same pollutant concentration over a period during which the sensor is operated continuously and without adjustment.
Definition and Description
Drift or shift in data, concerning sensors, is a gradual alteration in the sensor’s response properties over time, which can include both positive and negative changes and can potentially lead to erroneous conclusions. Drift can occur for various reasons. One effective method to mitigate drift is frequent sensor calibration, which helps to keep the instrument’s gradual changes to a minimum between calibration events. This shift in the sensor’s reported response or concentration arises when it encounters the same pollutant concentration over a continuous operational period without any adjustments.