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Terms starting with Q
Quality Assurance (QA) includes all the steps you perform to plan and manage the project and to collect, assess, and review data. Completing these steps increases the likelihood of collecting credible and useful data.
“A QAPP is a written document that explains how organizations ensure, using quality assurance (QA) and quality control (QC) activities, that the data collected can be used for its intended purpose. A QAPP gives more confidence that the data collected will meet the project objectives and help others understand the data quality. A plan that describes the activities of a monitoring project involved with the acquisition of environmental information whether generated from direct measurements activities, collected from other sources, or compiled from computerized databases and information systems. The QAPP documents the results of a project’s technical planning process, providing in one place a clear, concise, and complete plan for the environmental data operation and its quality objectives and identifying key project personnel. The QAPP communicates the specifications for implementation of the project design to all parties and ensures that the quality objectives are
achieved for the project.”
Steps performed to limit error from instruments or in measurements during a project. Examples of QC activities include collocation, correction of data, maintenance, automatic data checks, and data review.
The Quality Management Plan (QMP) describes processes and procedures at the organizational level, management and staff functional responsibilities and line of authority
A measurement which can be expressed using numbers. For example, a pollutant concentration expressed in parts per billion (ppb) or micrograms per cubic meter (μg/m3 ).