The prestigious Pramukh Swami Maharaj Centenary (PSM100)has been organized on a vast 600-acre site called ‘Pramukh Swami Maharaj Nagar’ land along the S.P. ring road near Ognaj in Ahmedabad, Gujarat. This ongoing event took a blissful start on 15, December 2022 and will celebrate the Shatabdi Mahotsav of Brahmaswarup Pramukh Swami Maharaja till 15, January 2023. Naturally, devotees from far and wide across the globe are coming to foster a spirit of faith in themselves.
This event too welcomes >1 lakh visitors daily with wide arms for their spiritual elevation. As the site witnesses humongous footfall, it’s quite prone to road dust, particle pollution (PM), blowing dust, etc from the traffic, and more as well as can cause adverse effects on their health. The organizers have gone above and beyond to create a peaceful experience for people of all ages and backgrounds.
As a result, Oizom has joined hands with BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha by installing 5 units of ambient dust monitors called Dustroid. These Dustroids perform a phenomenal job of real-time data analysis in monitoring various sizes of particulates. This has resulted in a lower level of dust concentration inside the premises as compared to the levels of dust suppression in the outside city due to existing traffic. It has created the safest space for visitors through the automation of air quality monitoring.
These dust monitors accurately detect and track large-scale dust and immediately alert the authorities who can carry forth the mitigation of dust by suppressing it through water sprinklers.
Oizom has grown to be a highly valued organization through its unique e-breathing in air quality monitoring requirements at public gatherings like religious events, marathons, and many more. Our compact and cost-effective air monitoring systems like Dustroid make air quality monitoring projects easy, safe, and hassle-free.