July 2024

How does the EU regulate air pollution

How does the EU regulate air pollution

Summary of Blog The European Union (EU) actively regulates air pollution to protect health and the environment. Key directives, like the Air Quality Framework Directive and Ambient Air Quality Directive, set limits for pollutants such as sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, lead, nitrogen dioxide, ozone, and particulate matter (PM2.5 and PM10). The EU’s strategy includes stricter …

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How does the EPA regulate air pollution

How does the EPA regulate air pollution

Summary of Blog The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), founded in 1970, protects human health and the environment by establishing and enforcing air quality regulations. It regulates important pollutants such as ozone and particulate matter using scientifically developed National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS). The EPA enforces these rules through programs like the New Source Performance …

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Which industries are the largest producers of CO2 emissions

Which industries are the largest producers of CO2 emissions? Understanding its impact on air quality

Summary of Blog The blog investigates the major industries that emit the most CO2 and their effects on air quality. Energy generation, fossil fuels, transportation, manufacturing, and agriculture are major drivers. Energy generation from coal-fired and natural gas power plants and transportation and industrial operations like cement and steel manufacture are major CO2 emitters. The …

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