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NOx is a collective term used to refer to the nitrogen oxides that are most relevant for air pollution i.e. NO and NO2.

NOx monitoring

NOx, apart from affecting human health and the environment itself, has the potential to produce “secondary pollutants” such as ozone, smog, nitric acid, and particulate matter. Also, these pollutants have negative effects on health and the environment. NOx monitoring is an efficient way to prevent the accumulation of high levels of NOx as it helps […]

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Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless, non-irritating, tasteless, poisonous gas found in the atmosphere.

Carbon Monoxide Monitoring

Carbon monoxide, one of the most abundant pollutant gases. The gas is indetectable to humans as one can not see, smell, or taste. However, exposure to high levels of CO can cause CO poisoning leading to serious health issues, giving it the name “The Silent Killer.” CO monitoring is the most effective way to know

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PM refers to a complex mixture of solids and aerosols of varying shape, size, and chemical composition.

Dust monitoring – PM100

What is PM100?   “PM” (Particulate Matter) is not a single pollutant but refers to a complex mixture of solids and aerosols of varying shape, size, and chemical composition. It may contain many chemical species like organic compounds, inorganic ions, metallic compounds, elementary carbon, etc. These atmospheric particles are definable by their diameter for air quality

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Air Particulate Monitoring – PM1

What is PM1   “PM” (Particulate Matter) is not a single pollutant but refers to a complex mixture of solids and aerosols. Which are of varying shapes, sizes, and chemical compositions. Which may contain many chemical species like organic compounds, inorganic ios, metallic compounds, elementary carbon, etc. These atmospheric particles are definable by their diameter

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