Dust Monitoring System
A real-time dust monitoring system that provides accurate data even in harsh climates.
Dust Monitoring System
Your Next-Generation Dust Monitoring System
Dustroid is the answer for businesses that require pinpoint dust monitoring. From construction sites and mines to ports, we have got the air quality covered from the tiniest PM1 particles to the largest PM100.
Imagine: You are overseeing a construction project. With Dustroid in place, as soon as dust levels rise, you are alerted, and automated systems start, like water misters, to keep the air clean. No more guesswork, just immediate action.
This is possible with Dustroid. You can measure all the dust particles in the air to take quick mitigation actions or simply automate them.
Benefits of Our Dust Monitoring System
Our advanced e-breathing technology ensures impeccable measurements and thoughtfully incorporates meteorological parameters, offering a holistic dust impact assessment. And what’s more? Dustroid is powered by solar energy, guaranteeing uninterrupted operations even in the most demanding conditions.
Whether you are on the site or the go, Dustroid keeps you in the loop. So, even if you are on a beach holiday, you can check the Oizom IoT Terminal on your phone and know the air quality back at the site. This real-time dashboard comes with smart alerts, setting in motion automated dust mitigation systems like misting systems when required. It’s not just about real-time; our in-device memory ensures data integrity even during network downtimes.
Dustroid is MCERTS certified, which adds to its trustworthiness. Choose from vast choices of communication protocols from GSM to WiFi for seamless updates.
Compact enough to blend seamlessly into any environment yet rugged enough to withstand harsh climates, this system promises a safer environment.
Choose Dustroid: Where accuracy meets convenience.
3500+ devices installed in over 80+ countries to monitor air quality with Oizom's smart environment monitoring solutions
Features of our Dust Monitoring System
Heated Inlet
Dehumidifies the sample to nullify the effect of humidity for better accuracy. (only available in Pro & Max variant)
Retrofit Design
Plug and play design for ease of implementation
Internal Storage
Internal data storage capacity of up to 8 GB or 90 days
Network Agnostic
Supports a wide range of connectivity options like GSM / GPRS / WiFi / LoRa / NBIoT / Ethernet / Modbus/Relay/Satellite
Over-The-Air Update
Automatically upgradeable from a central server without any onsite visit
Lightweight and compact system that can be easily installed on a pole or wall
Real-Time Data
Continuous monitoring and real-time data transfer at configurable intervals
Weather Resistant (IP 66)
IP66 Grade (certified) enclosure for endurance against harsh weather conditions
Identity And Configuration (Geo-tagging)
Geo-tagging allows you to get the exact location of the device, consisting of latitude and longitude coordinates
Supports High Dust concentration
Measures up to 30000 μg/m3 dust concentration to provide accurate dust data
How Does Our Software Perfectly Compliment Our Dust Monitors?
Envizom is an advanced environmental monitoring solution designed to complement Dustroid seamlessly. It is a part of Oizom’s dust monitoring solution. Envizom’s real-time data collection and analytics capabilities enable effective decision-making for environmental management. Its integration with Dustroid enhances the overall effectiveness, providing a more holistic approach to air quality monitoring. Together, they form a robust toolset for environmental assessment, crucial for urban planning, health risk analysis, and regulatory compliance.
These are the external modules that are attachable to the Dustroid dust monitor range. Also, please note that the external modules do not come as a part of standard offerings. You can order it separately or include it while purchasing the Dustroid product range. Please speak with our expert team to choose the right accessories as per your application.
Our sensing technology works on proven working principles such as Optical Particle Counting, Laser Scattering, Semiconductor, and Optical Measurement. As a part of our proprietary ‘Micro Active Sampling’ (e-breathing technology), we also have a sophisticated suction-and-exhaust system for air sample collection and monitoring inside a controlled environment. This isolates the effect of the external environment on measurement to achieve 13% higher accuracy than the industry standards.
Laser Scattering – The sensor emits a laser beam to diffract through the air sample collected in the equipment. So, the intensity of the beam scattered from the particles provides particle size distribution and concentration data.
The first one is by using our Air Quality Software – Envizom. It is equipped with below features:
- User-friendly interface
- Smart alerts and reports
- Real-time data
- Set thresholds to automate the integrated systems
- Easy to set up
Another way to access the dust data is using secured HTTP/MQTT APIs. The data can be published on Public Displays, Smart TVs, Websites (using widgets), and Mobile Apps by using the APIs.
Thus, by building conditional algorithms and logic on the real-time dust data, automated dust suppression is possible.
Product Applications
Dust Particulate Monitoring Equipments
Dustroid product range comes in two variants. The variants are designed as per use-case and end-application. These two product variants are Dustroid Smart and Dustroid Pro. Check out all the details about these variants and choose what is best for your industry niche.
A customized solution is equipped with exactly the features you want for the application you want. Isn’t that the best deal?
Let your requirements shake hands with our team of experts today.
Changing the way we monitor air quality
Contact us to learn more about our air quality monitoring systems and solutions.
Changing the way we monitor air quality
Contact us to learn more about our air quality monitoring systems and solutions.
How dust monitoring system works?
Dustroid is designed with an ultra-modular approach to accommodate any existing infrastructure. This versatile dust monitor can be powered through multiple sources, including External AC or DC power, with the option of Solar Power (excluding the Dustroid Pro model).
Regarding data transmission, Dustroid exhibits remarkable flexibility, supporting a wide array of Wired and Wireless channels. It is equipped to communicate wirelessly using GSM, GPRS, 3G, WiFi, LORA, LTE, and SIGFOX technologies. For wired connectivity, it offers reliable Ethernet, Modbus, RS-485, and RS-283 options.
The crucial data on ambient air particulates collected by Dustroid is efficiently transmitted to the Oizom Cloud, which can operate on either Shared or Private Infrastructure. This data is instrumental in powering diverse data solutions tailored to specific end applications.
Furthermore, Dustroid’s data can be vividly visualized and meticulously analyzed through the Envizom. The system allows for the configuration of intelligent dust alerts based on the data received from Dustroid. This data can also be leveraged to regulate various process equipment, enabling automated and efficient operational solutions.
The system can generate automated reports, enhancing the ease of documentation and analysis. Additionally, Dustroid’s data facilitates real-time dust impact assessments, providing invaluable insights for effective management.
Product Video
Dustroid Video explains everything you need to know about the Ambient Dust Monitoring equipment range. You may also watch the Dustroid Video to understand its Capabilities in terms of Parameters, Working Principles, Communication Protocols, Power Requirements, Data accessibility etc. It’s a 2 minute 56 seconds video covering all the important aspects of Ambient Air Particulate Monitoring.
Dustroid FAQs
A dust monitoring systеm is a dеvicе usеd to mеasurе and monitor thе concеntration of particulatе mattеr (PM) in thе air. Thеsе systеms arе vital in assеssing air quality and dеtеcting pollutants that can affеct human hеalth and thе еnvironmеnt.
Monitoring dust lеvеls is crucial bеcausе еxposurе to high lеvеls of dust can causе hеalth issuеs, including rеspiratory problеms, hеart disеasе, and allеrgic rеactions. It also hеlps in rеgulatory compliancе and maintaining safе work еnvironmеnts.
To install and sеt up thе Dustroid, sеcurе it in an appropriatе location as pеr thе manufacturеr’s guidеlinеs, connеct it to a powеr sourcе, and configurе it using thе providеd softwarе or app. Dеtailеd instructions arе providеd in thе usеr manual.
Thе Dustroid should bе calibratеd pеriodically to еnsurе accuratе rеadings, typically oncе a yеar or aftеr any significant еvеnt that could affеct its sеnsors. Consult thе manufacturеr’s guidеlinеs for spеcific calibration intеrvals.
Thе Dustroid typically opеratеs on еlеctrical powеr, with options for dirеct AC supply or battеry backup. Somе modеls may also support solar powеr. Chеck thе spеcifications for your particular modеl.
Thеrе arе sеvеral typеs of dust monitors, including fixеd station monitors, portablе handhеld dеvicеs, and wеarablе sеnsors. Each typе variеs in complеxity, from basic modеls that mеasurе PM10 and PM2.5 to advancеd systеms that can dеtеct ultrafinе particlеs.
Safе lеvеls of dust еxposurе arе dеfinеd by local and intеrnational hеalth agеnciеs likе thе EPA and WHO. Gеnеrally, PM2.5 lеvеls should not еxcееd 35 μg/m³ ovеr a 24-hour pеriod, and PM10 should not еxcееd 150 μg/m³.
To rеducе dust еxposurе, еnsurе propеr vеntilation in living and working arеas, usе air purifiеrs, maintain clеan еnvironmеnts, and wеar protеctivе masks whеn in arеas with high dust lеvеls. Also, monitor thе air quality rеgularly with dеvicеs likе thе Dustroid.